Tips to prevent frozen or broken water pipes

  • Always leave your heat on. It’s safest to place your heat on low, no less than 50 degrees, when away from the home or on vacation.
  • Open cabinet doors under sink to keep pipes warm.
  • FREEZING TEMPS: While sleeping, allow ALL faucets in your home to drip at a rate of 1 drip every 2-3 seconds. This keeps water flowing through your pipes to avoid pipes freezing. If the water pipes freeze, water flow will not restore until pipes thaw.
  • Disconnect all garden hoses from exterior faucets, if applicable.
  • Let your landlord and/or neighbor know if you are away for extended periods of time. Update them with your emergency contact information, if necessary.
  • Make sure you know where your water cut off is at your home. This will cut the water off to your home until the burst water pipe is repaired.
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